Thursday, January 28, 2010


I have been blessed in my life with countless friends...those that I can go to at anytime, for anything...and they are there to support me, love me, set me straight or just give me a shoulder to cry on. I can not imagine going through life without a good friend...or two...or many!

Like most everything in life, it takes work to keep a friendship going. It is work that should be enjoyable and rewarding. If it is not, than that friendship is probably not the best of the best, but something more on the lines of being shallow. You can be "friendly" with many people, share enjoyable moments with many people, even consider them friends...but I do think that deep down inside you always KNOW which of them are your "true" friends, and which ones need or want something from you and therefore pose as a friend to get it.

To be a true friend you must be able to listen without interrupting when they have something they need to share with you...put your life on hold to help them in whatever way you honest respectful...and most importantly DO NOT be judgemental. Believe me when I say that even your closest and dearest friend(s) will not agree with you on everything...and sometimes very little at all. If they are seeking advice or ask for your opinion...give it freely.

I have learned from my friends. I do not always agree with their viewpoints on things, but I have been able to learn from those differences. It is crucial to learn to "agree to disagree". After all, we are all individuals.

Do not ever lose your individuality in a friendship...or in any relationship, for that matter. Do not try to be someone you are not so that the friendship will work. STAY TRUE TO YOURSELF!!! If you feel you need to change who you are...walk away from the friendship. It was not going to be long-lasting anyway...because they apparently were lacking in the friend qualities I listed above.

It is alright to take chances with friendships...and with your heart. Don't live in a bubble always being afraid to put your "true" self out there. We learn from all of our experiences...the good, the bad and the ugly!

Be a good all times.

As the saying goes..."Make new friends, but keep the is silver and the other gold". I have buckets full of silver and gold. My hope is that you all will one day also!


1 comment:

  1. Love this blog and love my friendships with you all. Through my friendship with Leigh-bernut, I've made new friends in Carrie, Jessie & Will...and you and Lex too :) Though we're far in distance, we're never far in heart or thought. It's a friendship that has passed the test of time and will continue to grow as we get older.

    LU/MU Leigh and much love to the entire Wilkinson clan. Your friendship and love is appreciated each and every day by so many.
